Sometimes you start planning months beforehand for 2-3 or 4 days long trip. You talk with your friends and wanted them to manage time for this trip, but they do have their own family and jobs with different expectations and have different priorities and focus .And some of them get postponed for time and again and some for undefined time. But sometimes, you met few friends at tea shop/pub and one of you came up with the plan to do trekking to some beautiful location starting from tomorrow, and all agreed up on it. You do last minute packing and informing your family and offices. The next day your team move with whoever managed to keep their words.

These two types of trip plan have their own pros and cons. On the first one, you will probably have everything pre-booked and you will have less hassle finding hotels or transportation and by nature of it, you will have the trekking experience at your comfort. Besides you experience the half of the trip even before the trip starts, as you plan the details, you read blogs and watch vlogs and you will already have certain expectations from that locations, and hence the real fun during the trip is little diminished.

Experience is what you gain from a little bit of struggle

On the second type of planning, you may have to do on the spot hotel/transportation bookings, and sometimes you have to stay/travel the way locals do. You will communicate more with locales and you will get accuquited with their lifestyles. You may miss certain things which are essential on your backpack and hence you need to device some alternatives or manage the other way. You don’t have much plan means there is more room for flexibility and hence more chances of encountering new things/experience. And the experience is what the core gist of every travel. 

Sometimes overplanning kills the fun and sometimes under planning puts you into a difficult situation, so the balance between them is what makes travel fun and memorable. 

Lastly, I just want to clarify that this is just my personal opinion formed based on my experiences. Along with this, I acknowledge that every one of us and every situation is unique and hence I want you to have your own independent opinion and enjoy life as it unfolds for you.